Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's New Year's EVE!!!

Where or where did the time go? So after the Christmas holiday, apparently I have been in a whirlwind not realizing just how close we were to the end of the year. Well, as you know... we are here! We are at the end of the 2011 road and I couldn't be happier.  

I love new beginnings, well almost - I love the New Year... a chance to get it right and do things new for the next year. I am excited about the possibilities of what 2012 will bring for my family and myself. Life is good so I can't complain - I know 2012 will just be even BETTER!

With that said - I wish you and yours a Happy and Safe New Years. Here is a printable I found at that I know you will love. Enjoy and God bless you all! See you next year 

Get your printable HERE

By the way - I find teaching moments in EVERYTHING I do with my family. Here is a cute little worksheet you can download and have your little ones fill out or even just verbally discuss to put in their file for memories of 2012 from Enjoy!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Snowflakes at Christmas Time

So with the cold weather we've been having in San Diego - the family and I took the opportunity to escape to the mountains and play in the snow.

We had an awesome time and enjoyed playing in the snow and truly having that winter experience. As I watched my kiddos play in the snow I really took the time to reflect on what we've been through this year and just how awesome God is. I have a wonderful family and because of His blessings, I am able to escape to the snow during the midweek just at a moments notice.  I love snowflakes at Christmas times and 2 years ago, I wasn't able to do so because I was a slave to my job and the time off was not allowed. The freedom and time I have with the family is priceless and even if I ever had to go back to corporate - I will make sure that I value every moment I have with my family and you should too.

With that said, we came back home and I was able to instantly create a lesson plan that helped my 2nd/3rd grader grasp the concepts of seasons, weather, snow and the various snowflakes.

Here's what we did...
We made paper snowflakes using this template I found from Yarn Owl. We then went over the various types of snowflakes that there's a quick study . And finally we discussed our day in the snow, recapped on the type of snow, seasons and weather patterns as well as the water cycle and completed this worksheet from our National Geographic Guide (the books are amazing as well).

Next week will finalize our winter session with a nice journal and picture book of her snow day. See how easy it is? Our children can learn anywhere and any place. They soak up the information and more hands on it is, the more they retain. We will make it a yearly tradition for snowflakes at Christmas time,

I would love to hear about your daily learning activities. Comment below and share. Until next time - keep loving the family!